The Rescue (Alternate Dimensions Book 3) Read online

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  “I don’t know if that’s possible considering the only times I’m able to talk to you is when you’re laid out and drugged up from some stupid stunt you tried to pull or another!

  “You have to be more careful with yourself, Andi! You can’t just assume you’re going to live because you’ve developed these impossible abilities. You can’t just assume we’re always going to be there to save your ass when you’ve gotten yourself into an impossible decision! If you keep going, either you, or all of us, are going to die!”

  You know, I had thought that saving the future of the universe would allow me a little pomp and circumstance before someone deconstructed everything that was wrong in my decision-making process. “Look man, hindsight is twenty-twenty. It’s easy to sit up here and say that I made reckless errors, but it got the job done, right? Everyone’s on the ship, and Genesis is scattered for at least a couple days, and we have Jyra’s coordinates. So could you just lay off?”

  “Lay off? Are you serious? Can you be serious about anything, or would that ruin this flippant, nonchalant savior of the universe thing you’ve got going on?”

  We were in each other’s faces now, yelling at full volume. I was surprised I had the energy, considering my injuries. But I guess when I got fired up, I was fired up. “What is your problem, man?!”

  “My problem? My problem is you almost died three different times today. Which honestly only makes up a fraction of the times you’ve almost died in general. Today, I had to stop someone who wanted to violate you in ways that shouldn’t even be spoken of. What would have happened if I wasn’t there? If I hadn’t managed to make it in time? You tell me what that monster would have done!”

  I faltered a bit, and my stomach squeezed. “I think his intentions were pretty clear…”

  “Exactly!” Janix yelled, getting to his feet and pacing. “And I’m sure he won’t be the last. Trust me, space is filled with cretins and monsters, and you have a knack of attracting the worst of them. So when I think about what might come next, and I know that you’ll just run face first into it, I’m sure you can understand why I’d be more than a little pissed off at the prospect!”

  Sure, he was yelling at me, but I felt my emotions surge. He was scared. Scared that something would happen to me. And it was rather melodramatic, but it resounded in me in a way that hadn’t since I was young.

  I had had friends, and adoptive family, and nice acquaintances on earth, but the one thing I had learned was that people watch out for themselves first, and then everyone else only when they wanted to. Time after time I had been burned, left or eventually drifted away from people who swore we were bound for life, either by fall outs, or new jobs, or marriages.

  But when Janix spoke, when he looked at me with those electric eyes full of anger and frustration and worry, how could I not feel like the most important person in the world?

  I reacted before I could think about it, which was exactly what Janix was trying to get me not to do. Reaching out, I gripped his face gently and rose to meet it. And when I was close enough, I pressed my lips to his with everything that I felt.

  It was pretty rude to plant one on another person without permission, but thankfully the shorter alien didn’t seem to mind. His arms wrapped around my torso once more, and pulled me to him. Our mouths moved against each other, and it was everything that my kiss with Maven hadn’t been.

  When he broke apart, he was looking at me with a new expression.

  “Am I supposed to take any meaning in that?” He murmured, voice breathless. “Or were you just trying to get me to shut up?”

  I didn’t answer right away, giving myself time to think out my words for once. “I meant it,” I answered finally. “I’m just not sure exactly what I meant by it. You’re important to me, Janix. Incredibly important.”

  “So then, you wouldn’t entirely be opposed to me kissing you again?”

  I smiled and shook my head. “I think I could allow that.”


  And then he was indeed kissing me again. Feelings and sensations started to rush through me, ones I hadn’t had a chance to enjoy in a very long while. I began to lean back, pulling the smuggler down to the bed with me until I was lying flat and he was posted above me by his three capable arms.

  His lips moved from my lips, traveling down my chin, to the side of my neck. I could feel his teeth grazing the skin there, and it shot electricity through my veins.

  Caught up in the rush, one hand buried itself in his hair, and the other caressed his defined back. My nails scratched at him, encouraging him as he settled more weight onto me. I wanted him to take control. To give me a momentary reprieve from all the decisions that weighed so heavily at me. I wanted to lose myself in him without a hint of control.

  And he was certainly doing his best to help. Carefully, his third hand went to the zipper at the front of my shirt, and slowly pulled it downward. The master of restraint, he slowly kissed every inch of skin that was revealed to him. My blood was rushing, my heart was pumping, and I was loving the reverent attention.

  Completely at his mercy, I was floating upwards on a cloud of sensation before Janix paused.

  I waited for him to continue, and when he didn’t, I got a little impatient. I sat up a little, looking at the man as he knelt over my middle. “Is something wrong?” I asked.

  He shook his head and stayed quite just long enough for it to be awkward. “How old are you, Andi?”

  “Does that matter right now?”

  “To me it does.”

  “I’m twenty-one. I’ll be twenty-two in a few months. Or maybe I already am? I’m not really sure on the whole calendar thing here.”

  “I think we should stop here for the night.”

  That hit me like a bucket of icy water. “What?! Why?”

  He gently caressed the side of my face before getting off of me to sit at the edge of the bed once more. “Because you are young, and injured, and swept up in all sorts of fun chemicals right now. I’m over a hundred and I’ve learned sometimes it’s nice to take a little time and make sure you’re really ready for something. Besides, I can’t be sure you’re entirely sober, and I would rather wait until you were for any sort of xenophile extracurricular activities.”

  I sighed, but I couldn’t exactly argue. Everything still felt kinda fuzzy at the edges, and emotions were super vibrant and crisp. “Fine.” I answered somewhat petulantly. “But does that mean I can’t have cuddles?”

  “Now that I could never be so cruel as to deny. Pull up the covers, but keep your hands to yourself.”

  “Spoilsport.” I grumbled, although I complied more than willingly.

  Rolling onto my side, I felt the smaller and much warmer alien conform to my back, draping and arm over my waist. Although I had just woken up, I had never wanted to lie still and just exists for a while. But in Janix’s arms, I finally had a peace that seemed so elusive outside of them.

  I wasn’t sure what this made us, or if my kiss had solidified anything. Were we dating? Was dating even a thing this close to the apocalypse?

  I didn’t know, and I didn’t care.

  The only thing I needed to know was that in this moment I was happy, and I had a harbor to rest in before going out into the storm once more.

  And what a storm it was.


  I stood at the hangar bay, Bajol and the kodadt readying to board the ship that was going to take them to Jyra’s secret lab. Usha was gesturing urgently to Anjali, who seemed particularly riled up by whatever he was articulating.

  “What’s going on here?” I asked, walking up with Janix in tow.

  We hadn’t parted since our little conversation two nights previous, but we also hadn’t gotten any farther than occasional kisses and comforting cuddling. Not that I was complaining but- okay, maybe I was complaining a little. But I respected his right to wait, and I appreciated that he didn’t want me doped up for any ground-breaking memories we might make together.

Unless it was terrible. Which I supposed there was always a chance of.

  “Usha is talking about things that are absolutely inappropriate and not of priority right now.” Anjali snapped, far from her cool self that I was used to.

  The massive kodadt let out a harsh breath, and slammed one of his massive feet on the ground.

  “I know that you don’t like it when people speak for you instead of just translating, but what you’re suggesting is ridiculous!”

  The taller alien looked to me, bright eyes angry but hoping. It was far too early to be wrapped up in whatever this was, and yet I still found myself looking to the dark cat with resignation. “What is he suggesting?”

  I could tell she struggled a moment with whether to tell me or not, and that more than anything she wanted to just dismiss the subject entirely, but I could also tell that she felt it was her duty to treat Usha with honor and respect.

  “He wants to ask your doctor friend if, were one of us to have a child, whether that child would be born a monster, immune like us, or even be viable at all.”

  “That is a good question,” The seirr said, coming up behind us with an amiable look across his smooth features. “One I will be more than happy to thoroughly research in our new laboratory.”

  “Shouldn’t all of our focus go into this cure?” Anjali snapped.

  “Of course. But that doesn’t mean I can’t run some peripheral tests simultaneously. The Captain has been so kind as to supply me with several staff, and Zikky is a more than capable second in command for a sub-experimentation line.”

  Usha’s face brightened, and he turned to his companion, saying something quite excitedly. We didn’t need a translation to get the jist, especially when he held one of his large hands out for her to take. The dark furred kodadt seemed to settle, and slowly slid her own palm into his.

  “Very well then. We look forward to your results.”

  “Of course. We were able to glean and excellent jump off point from the information already available on the station. This all seems very promising!”

  “Promising. I have heard that before. But I think you are the first person I actually believe.”

  Bajol tipped his head before turning to us. “Is there anything else you have need of, my friends?”

  “Just be safe.” I asked, pulling him into a quick hug.

  He stiffened, but allowed me the moment of affection before pulling away. “Right. I have a list sent to your quarters of how best to take care of your injuries for the rest of the healing process, but do not hesitate to contact me on the holo-com if you have any questions.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I answered assuredly.

  “You say that, and yet you’re planning a suicide rescue of a woman who’s been missing for months.”

  “I don’t know if I would use the word ‘suicide’.” I countered.

  He sighed and just patted my shoulder. “Watch out for her,” He said to Janix.

  “What, no tender goodbye for me?”

  The doctor gave him a very flat expression but extended his hand. “I think this is more than sufficient.”

  Janix laughed, before answering with his own. The two shook, and I thought of how ironic it was that the prison doctor and the interplanetary smuggler were now on the same side.

  Eventually all the goodbyes were said and done, and we stepped back for the passengers to load on. As they finished their prep, hope rose in me once more. This was possible one of the biggest steps towards heading off Genesis’ plans we could have taken. Releasing the cure on our own timetable by a non-human would essentially cripple all the power he was trying to glean.

  But what I didn’t expect was for each of the kodadt to line up before me, each one kneeling, then rising to press their forehead to mine before walking to the ship. It was a little intimidating, but I didn’t flinch. When it finally came to Anjali, she was smiling quite contentedly.

  “It seems that we have our freedom now, as limited as it might be with that thing still out there.”

  “It seems so.” I said, grin equally as broad.

  “We have you to thank for that, Miss Andi. Our people will speak of you for ages to come, I am sure. The woman not from here, who saw us as equals, instead of experiments.”

  “I wish we were equals.” I answered with a slight laugh. “I don’t think I ever could have survived everything that you have.”

  “You would be surprised, but I hope you do not have to find out. When all of this is said and done, and you are standing victorious on the ashes of whatever that beast was, I would wish you to come see my people. As we really are.”

  “I would like that.”

  We shook on it, and then she turned to go like the rest of her little cluster. I found myself getting just slightly misty eyed as the door slid shut and their furry hides were hidden from my view. Janix understood, and we stood there until they exited the hangar bay, flying off to finish the cure.

  “That was surprisingly cute.” He said when everything was all said and done.

  “Yeah, it was.” I took a deep breath and looked back to the hangar doors. “Ready to go set up that suicide plan?”

  “I thought you would never ask!” One of his three hands reached for mine, and my fingers happily wrapped through his. There was a small second of logistics as I figured out how to lace my five through his three, but he seemed more amused by it than irritated.

  And together, we walked hand in hand back towards Angel’s quarters.

  Towards Jyra.

  Chapter Eleven: Out of Sight, Out of Mind


  I opened my eyes to find myself dangling in nothingness again. But I wasn’t quite alone; the concerned face of a certain alien scientist was hovering over mine.

  “Jyra!” I cried, sitting up and throwing my arms around her. “How am I seeing you? I thought he took you away!”

  “They did.” She answered, winding her limbs around me as well and clenching me so tightly we might as well been one entity. “But then suddenly he was gone. The cage he had locked my mind in unlocked, and I was able to reach out to you.

  “I’ve been calling for days, but it seems it took time to reach you.”

  “Sorry about that,” I answered, pulling away to look at her face once more. “I’ve been a little doped up.”

  She nodded quite matter of factly and I wondered how I was ever able to forget her. She was just so wonderful. From the narrow curve of her aquiline face, to her giant eyes, to the incredibly serious way she stated everything. She was my bestest Gee-gee, even now. “I see that your injuries have been quite extensive.”

  “Yeah, it’s been a wild ride. But we’re coming for you. We have your coordinates now!”

  And suddenly her large eyes grew even larger. “You can’t!”

  “Um, and yet we are. We were on our way to you last I knew.”

  “Andi, I will be eternally grateful but believe me when I say you cannot come here. I have been dreaming while I’ve been locked away, and I have seen such terrible things. If you come here, you will die.”

  I gripped her arms, willing all of my fire, resolve and straight up stubbornness into her. “And you would be worth it, Jyra. The galaxy needs you more than it needs a college girl from earth. I’ve beaten the odds before, and I’ll do it again.”

  “Please, please do not risk it. You do not understand what is coming.”

  “Then help me understand! I’ve been trying to follow the breadcrumbs you’ve left me, but I can only do so much!”

  “I know. And believe me, nothing brings me more joy than seeing you here. But you cannot come get me. Please. Promise me this.”

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry, Gee-gee. But this is one request I cannot fulfill.”

  I saw her face cloud, and she looked at her absolute wits end. But I knew that she was just frightened for me. She wanted me to be safe and secure, and of course running face first into an unknown facility where she was being held captive was not the best wa
y to go about that.

  So I did the only thing I could do in the moment. I pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead and hugged her once more.

  “Don’t worry. Soon we’ll be together and kicking ass like we were always meant to be.”

  I felt her inhale like she was going to reply, but instead she was yanked out of my grip as I rocketed up towards reality.

  “Andi, wake up, it’s time.”

  I blinked groggily to see that Janix was shaking my shoulder gently. “We’re here?”

  “We’re here.” He confirmed. “Time to suit up.”

  I was out of bed in an instant, and we jogged to where we needed to grab our gear. It was hard for my hands not to shake as we got everything we could possibly need, and donned our armor. It was pretty hard not to feel badass as we made our way to the hangar bay, where Viys’k, Angel, and her Captain Double were already suited up and waiting.

  My eyes flicked to outside the hangar bay, where I saw the moon we had traveled across the system for. It was so small, and a dull shade of green, but that was where Jyra was being held.

  “You ready?” Angel asked, eyeing the two of us with a slight smile on her face.

  I nodded and strode right up the ramp like I owned it. “More than you’ll ever know.”